About TxLTAP

What is TxLTAP?

TxLTAP is focused on preserving and enhancing the local road system by delivering quality training and technical assistance to local city/county road agencies in Texas. The training provided through this program will increase the performance of the transportation workers in Texas by ensuring they conduct their duties in a safe, efficient, environmentally sound, and cost-effective manner. This program will also allow city/county agencies to maximize benefits from their often limited fiscal and staffing resources.

Through training geared to local government circumstances, customized technical assistance, advice provided at events, and a library of resources, TxLTAP provides relevant and impactful information focused on road and bridge/culvert maintenance, the use of traffic control devices, and other techniques to promote traffic safety.


In 1982 the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) launched an initiative with the goal of improving local roadways, known as the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP). The nationwide program is modeled after the successful agriculture extension service and is supported through funds provided by FHWA and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The Texas Local Technical Assistance Program (TxLTAP) is managed by the University of Texas at Arlington Extension and Extended Campus Public Works Institute.

TxLTAP Advisory Board

The TxLTAP Advisory Board consists of engaged individuals who represent Texas' diversity in terms of geographical location, population size, and government organization. The board members have a variety of skills including insight into particular challenges and trends, current conditions, and technology research.

Our advisory board typically meets at least one time per year. If you are interested in joining our TxLTAP Advisory Board, apply here and we will contact you to answer any questions you may have.

TxLTAP Staff

TxLTAP's staff of professionals offer over 50 years of firsthand experience and education in transportation and traffic engineering, road and bridge maintenance, heavy equipment operations, safety and workforce development. Contact us at TxLTAP@uta.edu

Road Work Ahead sign


Our Services

TxLTAP offers a variety of services to Texas cities and counties involved in all aspects of the public works sector. Services include technical assistance, monthly newsletters, quarterly magazines, and direct access to TxLTAP staff members who can answer all your questions regarding our training program.

Education and work are the levers to uplift a people.
- W. E. B. Du Bois

See More Training Courses


The University of Texas at Arlington Extension and Extended Campus TxLTAP offers additional training related to local government duties and responsibilities. For more information about courses, view our training catalog or contact us at txltap@uta.edu

To get started, find a course you are interested in from our entire catalog.

Learn more about our Road Safety Champion Program through our introduction webinar or by visiting its overview page.


Recent Magazines

TxLTAP Winter 2025
TxLTAP Fall 2024
TxLTAP Summer 2024
TxLTAP Spring 2024


Check it out!


Showcase your innovation in local transportation through the Build a Better Mousetrap (BABM) program, a national FHWA initiative highlighting locally relevant solutions, and the Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative, which partners with stakeholders to advance and deploy innovative technologies and practices in the transportation community.